@ -18,10 +18,21 @@ import { YoutubeSearchService, Result } from '../youtube-search.service';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { CreatePlaylistComponent } from 'app/create-playlist/create-playlist.component';
import { Platform } from '@angular/cdk/platform';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
export let audioFilesMouseHovering = false;
export let videoFilesMouseHovering = false;
export interface Download {
uid: string;
type: string;
url: string;
percent_complete: number;
downloading: boolean;
is_playlist: boolean;
fileNames?: string[];
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './main.component.html',
@ -62,6 +73,8 @@ export class MainComponent implements OnInit {
playlists = {'audio': [], 'video': []};
playlist_thumbnails = {};
downloading_content = {'audio': {}, 'video': {}};
downloads: Download[] = [];
current_download: Download = null;
urlForm = new FormControl('', [Validators.required]);
@ -341,24 +354,28 @@ export class MainComponent implements OnInit {
// download helpers
downloadHelperMp3(name, is_playlist = false, forceView = false) {
downloadHelperMp3(name, is_playlist = false, forceView = false, new_download = null) {
this.downloadingfile = false;
// if download only mode, just download the file. no redirect
if (forceView === false && this.downloadOnlyMode && !this.iOS) {
if (is_playlist) {
const zipName = name[0].split(' ')[0] + name[1].split(' ')[0];
this.downloadPlaylist(name, 'audio', zipName);
} else {
if (new_download && this.current_download !== new_download) {
// console.log('mismatched downloads');
} else {
if (is_playlist) {
this.router.navigate(['/player', {fileNames: name.join('|nvr|'), type: 'audio'}]);
// window.location.href = this.baseStreamPath + this.audioFolderPath + name[0] + '.mp3';
// if download only mode, just download the file. no redirect
if (forceView === false && this.downloadOnlyMode && !this.iOS) {
if (is_playlist) {
const zipName = name[0].split(' ')[0] + name[1].split(' ')[0];
this.downloadPlaylist(name, 'audio', zipName);
} else {
} else {
this.router.navigate(['/player', {fileNames: name, type: 'audio'}]);
// window.location.href = this.baseStreamPath + this.audioFolderPath + name + '.mp3';
if (is_playlist) {
this.router.navigate(['/player', {fileNames: name.join('|nvr|'), type: 'audio'}]);
// window.location.href = this.baseStreamPath + this.audioFolderPath + name[0] + '.mp3';
} else {
this.router.navigate(['/player', {fileNames: name, type: 'audio'}]);
// window.location.href = this.baseStreamPath + this.audioFolderPath + name + '.mp3';
@ -368,24 +385,28 @@ export class MainComponent implements OnInit {
downloadHelperMp4(name, is_playlist = false, forceView = false) {
downloadHelperMp4(name, is_playlist = false, forceView = false, new_download = null) {
this.downloadingfile = false;
// if download only mode, just download the file. no redirect
if (forceView === false && this.downloadOnlyMode) {
if (is_playlist) {
const zipName = name[0].split(' ')[0] + name[1].split(' ')[0];
this.downloadPlaylist(name, 'video', zipName);
} else {
if (new_download && this.current_download !== new_download) {
// console.log('mismatched downloads');
} else {
if (is_playlist) {
this.router.navigate(['/player', {fileNames: name.join('|nvr|'), type: 'video'}]);
// window.location.href = this.baseStreamPath + this.videoFolderPath + name[0] + '.mp4';
// if download only mode, just download the file. no redirect
if (forceView === false && this.downloadOnlyMode) {
if (is_playlist) {
const zipName = name[0].split(' ')[0] + name[1].split(' ')[0];
this.downloadPlaylist(name, 'video', zipName);
} else {
} else {
this.router.navigate(['/player', {fileNames: name, type: 'video'}]);
// window.location.href = this.baseStreamPath + this.videoFolderPath + name + '.mp4';
if (is_playlist) {
this.router.navigate(['/player', {fileNames: name.join('|nvr|'), type: 'video'}]);
// window.location.href = this.baseStreamPath + this.videoFolderPath + name[0] + '.mp4';
} else {
this.router.navigate(['/player', {fileNames: name, type: 'video'}]);
// window.location.href = this.baseStreamPath + this.videoFolderPath + name + '.mp4';
@ -402,6 +423,17 @@ export class MainComponent implements OnInit {
this.path = '';
if (this.audioOnly) {
// create download object
const new_download: Download = {
uid: uuid(),
type: 'audio',
percent_complete: 0,
url: this.url,
downloading: true,
is_playlist: this.url.includes('playlist')
if (!this.current_download) { this.current_download = new_download };
this.downloadingfile = true;
let customQualityConfiguration = null;
@ -414,16 +446,34 @@ export class MainComponent implements OnInit {
this.postsService.makeMP3(this.url, (this.selectedQuality === '' ? null : this.selectedQuality),
customQualityConfiguration).subscribe(posts => {
// update download object
new_download.downloading = false;
new_download.percent_complete = 100;
const is_playlist = !!(posts['file_names']);
this.path = is_playlist ? posts['file_names'] : posts['audiopathEncoded'];
if (this.path !== '-1') {
this.downloadHelperMp3(this.path, is_playlist);
this.downloadHelperMp3(this.path, is_playlist, false, new_download);
}, error => { // can't access server
this.downloadingfile = false;
this.openSnackBar('Download failed!', 'OK.');
} else {
// create download object
const new_download: Download = {
uid: uuid(),
type: 'video',
percent_complete: 0,
url: this.url,
downloading: true,
is_playlist: this.url.includes('playlist')
if (!this.current_download) { this.current_download = new_download };
this.downloadingfile = true;
let customQualityConfiguration = null;
const cachedFormatsExists = this.cachedAvailableFormats[this.url] && this.cachedAvailableFormats[this.url]['formats'];
if (cachedFormatsExists) {
@ -433,13 +483,17 @@ export class MainComponent implements OnInit {
this.downloadingfile = true;
this.postsService.makeMP4(this.url, (this.selectedQuality === '' ? null : this.selectedQuality),
customQualityConfiguration).subscribe(posts => {
// update download object
new_download.downloading = false;
new_download.percent_complete = 100;
const is_playlist = !!(posts['file_names']);
this.path = is_playlist ? posts['file_names'] : posts['videopathEncoded'];
if (this.path !== '-1') {
this.downloadHelperMp4(this.path, is_playlist);
this.downloadHelperMp4(this.path, is_playlist, false, new_download);
}, error => { // can't access server
this.downloadingfile = false;
@ -451,6 +505,22 @@ export class MainComponent implements OnInit {
// download canceled handler
cancelDownload() {
this.downloadingfile = false;
this.current_download.downloading = false;
this.current_download = null;
getDownloadByUID(uid) {
const index = this.downloads.findIndex(download => download.uid === uid);
if (index !== -1) {
return this.downloads[index];
} else {
return null;
downloadAudioFile(name) {
this.downloading_content['audio'][name] = true;
this.postsService.downloadFileFromServer(name, 'audio').subscribe(res => {