@ -521,6 +521,8 @@ exports.generateArgs = async (url, type, options, user_uid = null, simulated = f
if (globalArgs && globalArgs !== '') {
// adds global args
if (downloadConfig.indexOf('-o') !== -1 && globalArgs.split(',,').indexOf('-o') !== -1) {
@ -571,8 +573,8 @@ exports.getVideoInfoByURL = async (url, args = [], download_uid = null) => {
let {callback} = await youtubedl_api.runYoutubeDL(url, new_args);
const {parsed_output, err} = await callback;
if (!parsed_output || parsed_output.length === 0) {
let error_message = `Error while retrieving info on video with URL ${url} with the following message: ${err}`;
if (err.stderr) error_message += `\n\n${err.stderr}`;
let error_message = `Error while retrieving info on video with URL ${url}`;
if (err.stderr) error_message += ` with the following message: \n${err.stderr}`;
if (download_uid) {
await handleDownloadError(download_uid, error_message, 'info_retrieve_failed');