config_api now broadcasts when a config item has changed

Updated config_api module exports syntax to match rest of the app
Tzahi12345 1 year ago
parent 2396c86486
commit 8a588cf858

@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
const logger = require('./logger');
const fs = require('fs');
const { BehaviorSubject } = require('rxjs');
exports.CONFIG_ITEMS = require('./consts.js')['CONFIG_ITEMS'];
exports.descriptors = {}; // to get rid of file locks when needed, TODO: move to youtube-dl.js
let CONFIG_ITEMS = require('./consts.js')['CONFIG_ITEMS'];
const debugMode = process.env.YTDL_MODE === 'debug';
let configPath = debugMode ? '../src/assets/default.json' : 'appdata/default.json';
exports.config_updated = new BehaviorSubject();
function initialize() {
exports.initialize = () => {
function ensureConfigItemsExist() {
const config_keys = Object.keys(CONFIG_ITEMS);
const config_keys = Object.keys(exports.CONFIG_ITEMS);
for (let i = 0; i < config_keys.length; i++) {
const config_key = config_keys[i];
@ -57,17 +61,17 @@ function getElementNameInConfig(path) {
* Check if config exists. If not, write default config to config path
function configExistsCheck() {
exports.configExistsCheck = () => {
let exists = fs.existsSync(configPath);
if (!exists) {
* Gets config file and returns as a json
function getConfigFile() {
exports.getConfigFile = () => {
try {
let raw_data = fs.readFileSync(configPath);
let parsed_data = JSON.parse(raw_data);
@ -78,8 +82,13 @@ function getConfigFile() {
function setConfigFile(config) {
exports.setConfigFile = (config) => {
try {
const old_config = exports.getConfigFile();
const changes = exports.findChangedConfigItems(old_config, config);
if (changes.length > 0) {
for (const change of changes);
fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2));
return true;
} catch(e) {
@ -87,26 +96,26 @@ function setConfigFile(config) {
function getConfigItem(key) {
let config_json = getConfigFile();
if (!CONFIG_ITEMS[key]) {
exports.getConfigItem = (key) => {
let config_json = exports.getConfigFile();
if (!exports.CONFIG_ITEMS[key]) {
logger.error(`Config item with key '${key}' is not recognized.`);
return null;
let path = CONFIG_ITEMS[key]['path'];
let path = exports.CONFIG_ITEMS[key]['path'];
const val = Object.byString(config_json, path);
if (val === undefined && Object.byString(DEFAULT_CONFIG, path) !== undefined) {
logger.warn(`Cannot find config with key '${key}'. Creating one with the default value...`);
setConfigItem(key, Object.byString(DEFAULT_CONFIG, path));
exports.setConfigItem(key, Object.byString(DEFAULT_CONFIG, path));
return Object.byString(DEFAULT_CONFIG, path);
return Object.byString(config_json, path);
function setConfigItem(key, value) {
exports.setConfigItem = (key, value) => {
let success = false;
let config_json = getConfigFile();
let path = CONFIG_ITEMS[key]['path'];
let config_json = exports.getConfigFile();
let path = exports.CONFIG_ITEMS[key]['path'];
let element_name = getElementNameInConfig(path);
let parent_path = getParentPath(path);
let parent_object = Object.byString(config_json, parent_path);
@ -118,20 +127,18 @@ function setConfigItem(key, value) {
parent_parent_object[parent_parent_single_key] = {};
parent_object = Object.byString(config_json, parent_path);
if (value === 'false') value = false;
if (value === 'true') value = true;
parent_object[element_name] = value;
if (value === 'false' || value === 'true') {
parent_object[element_name] = (value === 'true');
} else {
parent_object[element_name] = value;
success = setConfigFile(config_json);
success = exports.setConfigFile(config_json);
return success;
function setConfigItems(items) {
exports.setConfigItems = (items) => {
let success = false;
let config_json = getConfigFile();
let config_json = exports.getConfigFile();
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
let key = items[i].key;
let value = items[i].value;
@ -141,7 +148,7 @@ function setConfigItems(items) {
value = (value === 'true');
let item_path = CONFIG_ITEMS[key]['path'];
let item_path = exports.CONFIG_ITEMS[key]['path'];
let item_parent_path = getParentPath(item_path);
let item_element_name = getElementNameInConfig(item_path);
@ -149,28 +156,34 @@ function setConfigItems(items) {
item_parent_object[item_element_name] = value;
success = setConfigFile(config_json);
success = exports.setConfigFile(config_json);
return success;
function globalArgsRequiresSafeDownload() {
const globalArgs = getConfigItem('ytdl_custom_args').split(',,');
exports.globalArgsRequiresSafeDownload = () => {
const globalArgs = exports.getConfigItem('ytdl_custom_args').split(',,');
const argsThatRequireSafeDownload = ['--write-sub', '--write-srt', '--proxy'];
const failedArgs = globalArgs.filter(arg => argsThatRequireSafeDownload.includes(arg));
return failedArgs && failedArgs.length > 0;
module.exports = {
getConfigItem: getConfigItem,
setConfigItem: setConfigItem,
setConfigItems: setConfigItems,
getConfigFile: getConfigFile,
setConfigFile: setConfigFile,
configExistsCheck: configExistsCheck,
initialize: initialize,
descriptors: {},
globalArgsRequiresSafeDownload: globalArgsRequiresSafeDownload
exports.findChangedConfigItems = (old_config, new_config, key = '', changedConfigItems = [], depth = 0) => {
if (typeof old_config === 'object' && typeof new_config === 'object' && depth < 3) {
for (const key in old_config) {
if (, key)) {
exports.findChangedConfigItems(old_config[key], new_config[key], key, changedConfigItems, depth + 1);
} else {
if (JSON.stringify(old_config) !== JSON.stringify(new_config)) {
key: key,
old_value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(old_config)),
new_value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(new_config))
return changedConfigItems;

@ -1037,6 +1037,66 @@ describe('Categories', async function() {
describe('Config', async function() {
it('findChangedConfigItems', async function() {
const old_config = {
"YoutubeDLMaterial": {
"test_object1": {
"test_prop1": true,
"test_prop2": false
"test_object2": {
"test_prop3": {
"test_prop3_1": true,
"test_prop3_2": false
"test_prop4": false
"test_object3": {
"test_prop5": {
"test_prop5_1": true,
"test_prop5_2": false
"test_prop6": false
const new_config = {
"YoutubeDLMaterial": {
"test_object1": {
"test_prop1": false,
"test_prop2": false
"test_object2": {
"test_prop3": {
"test_prop3_1": false,
"test_prop3_2": false
"test_prop4": true
"test_object3": {
"test_prop5": {
"test_prop5_1": true,
"test_prop5_2": false
"test_prop6": true
const changes = config_api.findChangedConfigItems(old_config, new_config);
assert(changes[0]['key'] === 'test_prop1' && changes[0]['old_value'] === true && changes[0]['new_value'] === false);
assert(changes[1]['key'] === 'test_prop3' &&
changes[1]['old_value']['test_prop3_1'] === true &&
changes[1]['new_value']['test_prop3_1'] === false &&
changes[1]['old_value']['test_prop3_2'] === false &&
changes[1]['new_value']['test_prop3_2'] === false);
assert(changes[2]['key'] === 'test_prop4' && changes[2]['old_value'] === false && changes[2]['new_value'] === true);
assert(changes[3]['key'] === 'test_prop6' && changes[3]['old_value'] === false && changes[3]['new_value'] === true);
const generateEmptyVideoFile = async (file_path) => {
if (fs.existsSync(file_path)) fs.unlinkSync(file_path);
return await exec(`ffmpeg -t 1 -f lavfi -i color=c=black:s=640x480 -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -pix_fmt yuv420p "${file_path}"`);
