@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import { MatPaginator } from '@angular/material/paginator';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs' ;
import { distinctUntilChanged } from 'rxjs/operators' ;
import { CdkDragDrop , moveItemInArray } from '@angular/cdk/drag-drop' ;
import { MatChipListboxChange , MatChipOption } from '@angular/material/chips' ;
import { KeyValue } from '@angular/common' ;
@Component ( {
selector : 'app-recent-videos' ,
@ -46,35 +48,54 @@ export class RecentVideosComponent implements OnInit {
search_text = '' ;
searchIsFocused = false ;
descendingMode = true ;
filter Properties = {
sort Properties = {
'registered' : {
'key' : 'registered' ,
'label' : 'Download Date' ,
'label' : $localize ` Download Date ` ,
'property' : 'registered'
} ,
'upload_date' : {
'key' : 'upload_date' ,
'label' : 'Upload Date' ,
'label' : $localize ` Upload Date ` ,
'property' : 'upload_date'
} ,
'name' : {
'key' : 'name' ,
'label' : 'Name' ,
'label' : $localize ` Name ` ,
'property' : 'title'
} ,
'file_size' : {
'key' : 'file_size' ,
'label' : 'File Size' ,
'label' : $localize ` File Size ` ,
'property' : 'size'
} ,
'duration' : {
'key' : 'duration' ,
'label' : 'Duration' ,
'label' : $localize ` Duration ` ,
'property' : 'duration'
} ;
filterProperty = this . filterProperties [ 'upload_date' ] ;
fileTypeFilter = 'both' ;
fileFilters = {
video_only : {
key : 'video_only' ,
label : $localize ` Video only ` ,
incompatible : [ 'audio_only' ]
} ,
audio_only : {
key : 'audio_only' ,
label : $localize ` Audio only ` ,
incompatible : [ 'video_only' ]
} ,
favorited : {
key : 'favorited' ,
label : $localize ` Favorited `
} ,
} ;
selectedFilters = [ ] ;
sortProperty = this . sortProperties [ 'upload_date' ] ;
playlists = null ;
@ -88,15 +109,17 @@ export class RecentVideosComponent implements OnInit {
// set filter property to cached value
const cached_ filter_property = localStorage . getItem ( 'filter _property') ;
if ( cached_ filter_property && this . filterProperties [ cached_filter _property] ) {
this . filterProperty = this . filterProperties [ cached_filter _property] ;
const cached_ sort_property = localStorage . getItem ( 'sort _property') ;
if ( cached_ sort_property && this . sortProperties [ cached_sort _property] ) {
this . sortProperty = this . sortProperties [ cached_sort _property] ;
// set file type filter to cached value
const cached_file_type_filter = localStorage . getItem ( 'file_type_filter' ) ;
if ( this . usePaginator && cached_file_type_filter ) {
this . fileTypeFilter = cached_file_type_filter ;
const cached_file_filter = localStorage . getItem ( 'file_filter' ) ;
if ( this . usePaginator && cached_file_filter ) {
this . selectedFilters = JSON . parse ( cached_file_filter )
} else {
this . selectedFilters = [ ] ;
const sort_order = localStorage . getItem ( 'recent_videos_sort_order' ) ;
@ -107,6 +130,12 @@ export class RecentVideosComponent implements OnInit {
ngOnInit ( ) : void {
if ( this . sub_id ) {
// subscriptions can't download both audio and video (for now), so don't let users filter for these
delete this . fileFilters [ 'audio_only' ] ;
delete this . fileFilters [ 'video_only' ] ;
if ( this . postsService . initialized ) {
this . getAllFiles ( ) ;
this . getAllPlaylists ( ) ;
@ -166,9 +195,37 @@ export class RecentVideosComponent implements OnInit {
this . getAllFiles ( ) ;
fileTypeFilterChanged ( value : string ) : void {
localStorage . setItem ( 'file_type_filter' , value ) ;
this . getAllFiles ( ) ;
filterChanged ( value : string ) : void {
localStorage . setItem ( 'file_filter' , value ) ;
// wait a bit for the animation to finish
setTimeout ( ( ) = > this . getAllFiles ( ) , 150 ) ;
selectedFiltersChanged ( event : MatChipListboxChange ) : void {
// in some cases this function will fire even if the selected filters haven't changed
if ( event . value . length === this . selectedFilters . length ) return ;
if ( event . value . length > this . selectedFilters . length ) {
const filter_key = event . value . filter ( possible_new_key = > ! this . selectedFilters . includes ( possible_new_key ) ) [ 0 ] ;
this . selectedFilters = this . selectedFilters . filter ( existing_filter = > ! this . fileFilters [ existing_filter ] . incompatible || ! this . fileFilters [ existing_filter ] . incompatible . includes ( filter_key ) ) ;
this . selectedFilters . push ( filter_key ) ;
} else {
this . selectedFilters = event . value ;
this . filterChanged ( JSON . stringify ( this . selectedFilters ) ) ;
getFileTypeFilter ( ) : string {
if ( this . selectedFilters . includes ( 'audio_only' ) ) {
return 'audio_only' ;
} else if ( this . selectedFilters . includes ( 'video_only' ) ) {
return 'video_only' ;
} else {
return 'both' ;
getFavoriteFilter ( ) : boolean {
return this . selectedFilters . includes ( 'favorited' ) ;
toggleModeChange ( ) : void {
@ -182,9 +239,11 @@ export class RecentVideosComponent implements OnInit {
getAllFiles ( cache_mode = false ) : void {
this . normal_files_received = cache_mode ;
const current_file_index = ( this . paginator ? . pageIndex ? this . paginator.pageIndex : 0 ) * this . pageSize ;
const sort = { by : this. filter Property[ 'property' ] , order : this.descendingMode ? - 1 : 1 } ;
const sort = { by : this. sort Property[ 'property' ] , order : this.descendingMode ? - 1 : 1 } ;
const range = [ current_file_index , current_file_index + this . pageSize ] ;
this . postsService . getAllFiles ( sort , range , this . search_mode ? this . search_text : null , this . fileTypeFilter as FileTypeFilter , this . sub_id ) . subscribe ( res = > {
const fileTypeFilter = this . getFileTypeFilter ( ) ;
const favoriteFilter = this . getFavoriteFilter ( ) ;
this . postsService . getAllFiles ( sort , range , this . search_mode ? this . search_text : null , fileTypeFilter as FileTypeFilter , favoriteFilter , this . sub_id ) . subscribe ( res = > {
this . file_count = res [ 'file_count' ] ;
this . paged_data = res [ 'files' ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . paged_data . length ; i ++ ) {
@ -385,4 +444,13 @@ export class RecentVideosComponent implements OnInit {
this . selected_data_objs . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
this . fileSelectionEmitter . emit ( { new_selection : this.selected_data , thumbnailURL : this.selected_data_objs [ 0 ] . thumbnailURL } ) ;
originalOrder = ( ) : number = > {
return 0 ;
toggleFavorite ( file_obj ) : void {
file_obj . favorite = ! file_obj . favorite ;
this . postsService . updateFile ( file_obj . uid , { favorite : file_obj.favorite } ) . subscribe ( res = > { } ) ;