You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
7.5 KiB

var fs = require('fs-extra')
var path = require('path')
const config_api = require('./config');
const is_windows = process.platform === 'win32';
// replaces .webm with appropriate extension
function getTrueFileName(unfixed_path, type) {
let fixed_path = unfixed_path;
const new_ext = (type === 'audio' ? 'mp3' : 'mp4');
let unfixed_parts = unfixed_path.split('.');
const old_ext = unfixed_parts[unfixed_parts.length-1];
if (old_ext !== new_ext) {
unfixed_parts[unfixed_parts.length-1] = new_ext;
fixed_path = unfixed_parts.join('.');
return fixed_path;
async function getDownloadedFilesByType(basePath, type, full_metadata = false) {
// return empty array if the path doesn't exist
if (!(await fs.pathExists(basePath))) return [];
let files = [];
const ext = type === 'audio' ? 'mp3' : 'mp4';
var located_files = await recFindByExt(basePath, ext);
for (let i = 0; i < located_files.length; i++) {
let file = located_files[i];
var file_path = file.substring(basePath.includes('\\') ? basePath.length+1 : basePath.length, file.length);
var stats = await fs.stat(file);
var id = file_path.substring(0, file_path.length-4);
var jsonobj = await getJSONByType(type, id, basePath);
if (!jsonobj) continue;
if (full_metadata) {
jsonobj['id'] = id;
var upload_date = jsonobj.upload_date;
upload_date = upload_date ? `${upload_date.substring(0, 4)}-${upload_date.substring(4, 6)}-${upload_date.substring(6, 8)}` : null;
var isaudio = type === 'audio';
var file_obj = new File(id, jsonobj.title, jsonobj.thumbnail, isaudio, jsonobj.duration, jsonobj.webpage_url, jsonobj.uploader,
stats.size, file, upload_date, jsonobj.description, jsonobj.view_count, jsonobj.height, jsonobj.abr);
return files;
function getJSONMp4(name, customPath, openReadPerms = false) {
var obj = null; // output
if (!customPath) customPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_video_folder_path');
var jsonPath = path.join(customPath, name + ".info.json");
var alternateJsonPath = path.join(customPath, name + "");
if (fs.existsSync(jsonPath))
obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, 'utf8'));
} else if (fs.existsSync(alternateJsonPath)) {
obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(alternateJsonPath, 'utf8'));
else obj = 0;
return obj;
function getJSONMp3(name, customPath, openReadPerms = false) {
var obj = null;
if (!customPath) customPath = config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_audio_folder_path');
var jsonPath = path.join(customPath, name + ".info.json");
var alternateJsonPath = path.join(customPath, name + "");
if (fs.existsSync(jsonPath)) {
obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, 'utf8'));
else if (fs.existsSync(alternateJsonPath)) {
obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(alternateJsonPath, 'utf8'));
obj = 0;
return obj;
function getJSONByType(type, name, customPath, openReadPerms = false) {
return type === 'audio' ? getJSONMp3(name, customPath, openReadPerms) : getJSONMp4(name, customPath, openReadPerms)
function getDownloadedThumbnail(name, type, customPath = null) {
if (!customPath) customPath = type === 'audio' ? config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_audio_folder_path') : config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_video_folder_path');
let jpgPath = path.join(customPath, name + '.jpg');
let webpPath = path.join(customPath, name + '.webp');
let pngPath = path.join(customPath, name + '.png');
if (fs.existsSync(jpgPath))
return jpgPath;
else if (fs.existsSync(webpPath))
return webpPath;
else if (fs.existsSync(pngPath))
return pngPath;
return null;
function getExpectedFileSize(info_json) {
if (info_json['filesize']) {
return info_json['filesize'];
const formats = info_json['format_id'].split('+');
let expected_filesize = 0;
formats.forEach(format_id => {
if (!info_json.formats) return expected_filesize;
info_json.formats.forEach(available_format => {
if (available_format.format_id === format_id && available_format.filesize) {
expected_filesize += available_format.filesize;
return expected_filesize;
function fixVideoMetadataPerms(name, type, customPath = null) {
if (is_windows) return;
if (!customPath) customPath = type === 'audio' ? config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_audio_folder_path')
: config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_video_folder_path');
const ext = type === 'audio' ? '.mp3' : '.mp4';
const files_to_fix = [
// JSONs
path.join(customPath, name + '.info.json'),
path.join(customPath, name + ext + '.info.json'),
// Thumbnails
path.join(customPath, name + '.webp'),
path.join(customPath, name + '.jpg')
for (const file of files_to_fix) {
if (!fs.existsSync(file)) continue;
fs.chmodSync(file, 0o644);
function deleteJSONFile(name, type, customPath = null) {
if (!customPath) customPath = type === 'audio' ? config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_audio_folder_path')
: config_api.getConfigItem('ytdl_video_folder_path');
const ext = type === 'audio' ? '.mp3' : '.mp4';
let json_path = path.join(customPath, name + '.info.json');
let alternate_json_path = path.join(customPath, name + ext + '.info.json');
if (fs.existsSync(json_path)) fs.unlinkSync(json_path);
if (fs.existsSync(alternate_json_path)) fs.unlinkSync(alternate_json_path);
async function recFindByExt(base,ext,files,result)
files = files || (await fs.readdir(base))
result = result || []
for (const file of files) {
var newbase = path.join(base,file)
if ( (await fs.stat(newbase)).isDirectory() )
result = await recFindByExt(newbase,ext,await fs.readdir(newbase),result)
if ( file.substr(-1*(ext.length+1)) == '.' + ext )
return result
function removeFileExtension(filename) {
const filename_parts = filename.split('.');
filename_parts.splice(filename_parts.length - 1);
return filename_parts.join('.');
// objects
function File(id, title, thumbnailURL, isAudio, duration, url, uploader, size, path, upload_date, description, view_count, height, abr) { = id;
this.title = title;
this.thumbnailURL = thumbnailURL;
this.isAudio = isAudio;
this.duration = duration;
this.url = url;
this.uploader = uploader;
this.size = size;
this.path = path;
this.upload_date = upload_date;
this.description = description;
this.view_count = view_count;
this.height = height;
this.abr = abr;
module.exports = {
getJSONMp3: getJSONMp3,
getJSONMp4: getJSONMp4,
getTrueFileName: getTrueFileName,
getDownloadedThumbnail: getDownloadedThumbnail,
getExpectedFileSize: getExpectedFileSize,
fixVideoMetadataPerms: fixVideoMetadataPerms,
deleteJSONFile: deleteJSONFile,
getDownloadedFilesByType: getDownloadedFilesByType,
recFindByExt: recFindByExt,
removeFileExtension: removeFileExtension,
File: File