- avbtool only works with python 2.x, so systems which only have python
3.x as default will fail to run avbtool, fix it
- avbtool: sync with AOSP master
- avb salt: store salt for AVB signature, and use it in re-packing process
- ramdisk gzip: java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream doesn't support parameters, so we use
org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.gzip.GzipCompressorOutputStream instead
- update mkbootimg: AOSP commit 147b355bb34cbd457a260c585be93193cef43b8e
- migrate all code from groovy to kotlin
- support DTBO and header_version, resolve#12
- upate README.expert.md too
- support AVB
1. make my groovy code more java like
add @groovy.transform.TypeChecked and @groovy.transform.CompileStatic to
eliminate runtime surprise
2. add strict checking before 'pack' task
3. all boot.img.clear* will be hashed and the hash code will be compared to
assert equation
4. upgrade gradle and groovy version
remove original abootimg by Gilles Grandou <gilles@grandou.net>
create groovy abootimg and mkbootimg
previous bootimg.cfg moved to bootimg.json
update doc: README.expert.md