<stringname="read_qr_error">An error occurred while trying to read the QR code</string>
<stringname="read_qr_error_phonefactor">Aegis is not compatible with Microsoft\'s proprietary 2FA algorithm. Please make sure to select \"Setup application without notifications\" when configuring 2FA in Office 365.</string>
<stringname="partial_google_auth_import">Incomplete Google Authenticator export detected</string>
<stringname="partial_google_auth_import_warning">Some QR codes are missing from your import. The following codes were not found:\n\n<b>%s</b>\n\nYou may continue importing this partial export but we recommend retrying with all of the QR codes so you don\'t risk losing access to any tokens.</string>
<stringname="missing_qr_code_descriptor">• QR code %d</string>
<stringname="remove_icon_pack_description">Are you sure you want to remove this icon pack? Entries that use icons from this pack will not be affected.</string>